November 9th - 10th, 2022 /2022年11月10日~11月20日
Almaty is the largest city in Kazakhstan. The Almaty Gallery was located in the center of the city. Shigeru Yoshida's solo exhibition and the lecture were held there. Kanie also screened her documentary film and gave a lecture at the gallery.
The Degdar Foundation, a charity group in Kazakhstan, invited Yoshida and Kanie. They have held 30 concerts since 2011 and supported children through musical exchanges with Japan. It is such a wonderful charity group in the country.
At the “Autumn of Japan 2022” concert, musicians played Kazakhstan’s traditional instruments and performed Japanese songs. They secretly prepared something for Yoshida as a surprise.
アルマトイはカザフスタン最大の都市。その中心街にあるアルマトイ・ ギャラリーで、吉田繁先生の個展と講演会、蟹江さんのドキュメンタリー 映画の上映と講演会が開催されました。
ご招待してくださったのはカザフスタンの慈善団体デグダル基金です。 2011年から30コンサートを行なって日本との音楽交流や子どもたちの支援も行なっている素晴らしい財団です。
This is a hotel we stayed at. In 1991, the Soviet Union was dissolved and the treaty for the Commonwealth of Independent States was signed in Almaty. There are also many government agencies and higher education institutions such as Kazakh University.
The front garden of the Almaty Gallery is a comfortable park, and we saw some people eating lunch. A concert and a lecture were held on November 10th, and Yoshida’s exhibition and Kanie’s film screening were from November 11th to 20th.
アルマトイ・ギャラリーの前庭は居心地のいい公園 になっていてランチを摂る人の姿も……。 11月10日は演奏会と講演会で、11~20日までが吉田先生の個展と蟹江さんの映画上映期間。
The opening ceremony would start at 4:00 pm, but the Almaty gallery was already crowded with people even before the ceremony. They saw the photos of the coastal embankment built after the earthquake, the scenery of the sea, and the portraits of the people in Fukushima intently.
アルマトイ・ギャラリーには16時のオープニング・ セレモニーの前からたくさんの人が訪れていました。震災後にできた防潮堤や海の風景、福島の人々 のポートレートを熱心に見てくださっていました。
The lecture venue of Yoshida and Kanie was the café space in the gallery. As more and more people gathered, there was no room for the audience, and they had to listen to the lecture with standing outside the space. Even in such a situation, they listened to the lectures intently until the end.
吉田先生と蟹江さんの講演会の会場はギャラリーの カフェ・スペース。どんどん人が集まってきたため、最後は立ち見になってしまいましたが、熱心に最後まで聴いてくださいました。
The Degudar Foundation also provides opportunities for children to learn photography. They hope it will inspire children to want to dream to be a photographer in the future. People understand the foundation’s will, there were many children at the event.
At the lecture, Yoshida enthusiastically talked about traditional Japanese culture, and how it relates to his artwork. He also talked about the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami and the nuclear accident, and his current thoughts on them.
Students of the Japanese language department at the University asked various questions at the lecture. Since they are interested in Japanese anime and manga, they are learning Japanese. Now many of them try to find a job in a Japanese-affiliated company.
There were people who not only filmed the entire movie but also watched the movie on and on. "Now, it has been 10 years after the earthquake, I am encouraged to see how they have lived positively and looked forward.", one of the audience said.
While showing a video of the traditional festival, "Soma Nomaoi" in the Soso region of Fukushima Prefecture, which is close to the Fukushima nuclear power plant, Kanie said that people in Fukushima were encouraged by the festival so that they never leave the town and want to live there.
講演会では福島原発に近い福島県双相地域の伝統的な祭り「相馬野馬追」の動画も見ていただきながら 「この祭があるからここで生きていきたい」という 人々が多いことを取り上げました。
One of the interviewers of Kanie’s film became a singer-songwriter. Her town was destroyed by the tsunami and was forced to evacuate due to the nuclear accident. When she said that she wanted to tell people the importance of ordinary lives, the audience applauded her.
There was a coup in Kazakhstan in January, and people were scared to death. The invasion of Ukraine also casts a negative shadow on their lives. Therefore, they were moved by the people in Fukushima who have overcome their hardships and live strongly.
This is a digest video of the opening ceremony of "Autumn in Japan" held on November 18, 2022.
The concert
Yoshida's speech at the opening ceremony and his solo exhibition, and his lecture
People watching Kanie's documentary film and her lecture
Special thanks to all the people who were involved with the event;
The Degdar Foundation for the invitation, the musicians for the wonderful performance, all the visitors in Uzbekistan, the Ambassador, JT International for coming to the exhibition, all the interpreters, and all the staff members of the national museum of Uzbekistan.
We thank all the people who we met in Uzbekistan.