November 18th - 27th, 2022 /2022年11月18日~27日
The State Museum of Arts of Uzbekistan was established in 1918 and was located in the Romanov Palace of Tsar Nicholas of Russia until 1935, and was in People's Square until 1966. Then, it was newly opened in 1974. About 50,000 works of art from around the world are on display. Kanie and Yoshida were invited as invited artists to the event “Autumn in Japan 2022” held at the prestigious National Museum of Art. Kanie screened the documentary film, "Messages from Fukushima", and held a lecture, while Yoshida held a solo exhibition of 60 artworks and a lecture.
ウズベキスタン国立美術館は1918年に設立され、1935年まではロシア帝 国皇帝のニコライのロマノフ宮殿内に、1966年までは人民広場にあり、 1974年にこの地に新設されました。世界各国の美術品約50,000点を展示 しています。格式ある国立美術館で開催された「日本の秋2022」イベント に蟹江さんと吉田先生は招待作家として招かれました。 蟹江さんはドキュメンタリー映画『福島からのメッセージ』の上映と講演 会、吉田繁先生は60点の写真作品が展示される個展と講演会を行いました。
They have not only Russian art and paintings from the 15th to 20th centuries but also the Central Asian Arts from the ancient times to the Middle Ages, such as carpets, gold embroideries, textiles jewelry, and other valuable collections.
The opening ceremony started with a greeting from Laura, a director of the Degdal Foundation. It took a whole day to prepare for the opening ceremony, such as bringing a piano, tuning it, and setting up Yoshida’s artworks.
Yoshida, whose exhibition theme was the Great East Japan Earthquake, talked about the victims in Fukushima. He talked about how they have survived for 10 years and their positive current lives. Yoshida, whose exhibition theme was the Great East Japan Earthquake, talked about the victims in Fukushima. He talked about how they have survived for 10 years and their positive current lives.
The project, “A Border for a Prayer, One Minute Story” showed people praying for those who died in the tsunami. The victims prayed for one minute and Yoshida adjusted the exposure time to the same time. People were very impressed with those pictures.
震災後に津波で亡くなった人たちのために祈っている風景を描いた“A Border for a Prayer, One Minute Story”プロジェクトは祈りの時間と同じ1分間の露光写真が人々の興味を誘っていました。
Yoshida explained what Japanese traditional cultures were, such as Japanese paintings, Buddhist statues, and martial arts. He said that these things became the context for his work, and gave the colors to his monochrome artworks. It also expressed the opposite things at the same time.
Kanie talked about how people who appeared in "Messages from Fukushima" live their lives strongly. She got a positive effect from their energy during her shooting. She wants all people to get power from the people in Fukushima. She edited this movie with her thoughts and feelings.
A video of the traditional festivals in the area where the nuclear accident occurred was also screened. People told us that they were deeply moved and we got appreciative words from them after the lecture. Many said, "Thank you for showing us how people in Fukushima live strongly and positively.”
This is a digest video of the opening ceremony of "Autumn in Japan" held on November 18, 2022.
The concert
Yoshida’s speech at the opening ceremony and his exhibition, and the lecture
People watching Kanie’s documentary film, and her lecture
Special thanks to all the people who were involved with the event; The Degdal Foundation for the invitation, the musicians for the wonderful performance, all the visitors in Uzbekistan, the Ambassador, JT International for coming to the exhibition, all the interpreters, and the national museum of Uzbekistan.We thank all the people who we met in Uzbekistan.